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Monday, November 18, 2013

Nostalgic Blanket Remake

One of my good friends recently called me and asked if I could help her to recreate well-loved old baby blanket that was given to her daughter. We set up a time and her and Ellie came over. I was impressed by the story and by the attachment that girl felt to this worn out fabric.
Ellie is in 6th grade now. She loved and cherished the blanket since she was a baby.
She is such a sweet girl and I could see  how much she wanted her blanket to be born, again.
They washed it by hand and were very careful with it.
But time did its job and now it is time to say good bye to old and start a new.

I liked the fabric a lot, even though it is all stretched and torn.
There is something about it that I cannot describe with words - it's just lovely!
It was easy to copy the pattern.

The lady who made it as a gift didn't remember what yarn she used, and there is a big chance that yarn doesn't exist anymore.
I tried pattern with different yarns, to see how it comes out and how patters shows.
Let me tell you - it looks different every time!
I HAD to try and make a few mods to recreate the look.
The yarn and fabric on the old fabric is very-very stretched!

Ladies brought yarn for me to use for a new blankie. I tried the pattern with it but the fabric looked quite bulky.
With it I'd need to add more yo's and chain stitches to make up for open stitch. But then it looked too "holy-ie" and felt heavy.
So we tried another yarn, and another, and another and finally agreed on the light pink, crinkly baby yarn by Bernat, Baby Coordinates.
The color is so pretty!
Currently, I am working on this project and enjoy it very much!
Here is the lovely, a bit adjusted pattern I use.

Off to my crocheting!


  1. Очаровательно!!! Нежно, красиво!!!

  2. Интересный заказ - создание нового ажурного пледа по мотивам старого! Белый образец близок к оригиналу.

  3. Ириша, мне кажется, что ниточки старого пледа-образца еще и претерпели столько стирок, что они просто "вытерлись", поэтому и "цепочки" выглядят такими тоненькими. Получилось очень похоже, как будто вязали более тонким, чем необходимо, крючком. И к тому же раньше пряжа была не такой плотно скрученной, как в современных пряжах для крючкового вязания. Главное, узор ты удивительно правильно скопировала! А через год-два оно станет еще более похоже на "оригинал", под действием солнца, воды и стиральных порошочков.
    Мне так нравится этот твой проект: столько любви и желания не утратить памяти о любимой вещи и о человеке, который ее подарил! Очень настоящие чувства! Удачи!

    1. Это правда, раньше пряжица была потоньше и деликатнее.
      Спасибо, Гуля!

  4. Спасибо Девушки, за добрые комментарии! Я уже извязала 3-й моточек. Выхожу на четвертый, последний!


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~ Iryna