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Saturday, September 13, 2014

I won a Project Bag!

Hello Everyone!

How often do you participate in giveaways and drawings?
I am actually a junkie in this way and will participate in everything that looks good to me.
Rarely I win.
This one happens recently!
Ariana, from Canada, has a group on Ravelry and also a hostess of a new video-cast Quilt Moxie.
Her Ravelry name is SewQuiltMoxie, and the website
What she does is pretty cool. She takes Craftsy classes and encourages those of us, who also Craftsy classes students, to show off their projects and participate in drawings.
I took class on brioche knitting. And entered my pictures in the giveaway for that class.
And guess what....drum roll... I won!
Ariana, herself, sewn this beautiful Project Bag and sent it to me. It is full of cool features and everything is very thoroughly thought through.
I love the fabric, I always loved yellow!
The bag features a zip-pocket and mesh pockets on the outside; inside it has 4 dividers with a stand, has tabs on the draw-strings and zip pulley, has steady handles, and has cute buttons on the bottom of the bag that serve as legs! So much attention to little details! Ariana knew what she was doing, since she is a knitter herself.
I am working on Christmas Stockings for my friend right now and all the yarn skeins fit perfectly inside. And those are big skeins!
I am not sure if Ariana will have the pattern written for this bag anytime soon, I shall ask.
Here are Ariana's pictures of this gorgeous bag!
  Look here

I am so very happy with the bag and will use it at all times!
Thank you, thank you,


  1. Ирина, класс! Поздравляю!

  2. Ириша, поздравляю! Видишь какая ты удачливая!

  3. Ириша, поздравляю! Ты самый замечательный пример того, что Удача намного чаще посещает тех, кто прилагает усилия и готовится к встрече с ней!

    1. Спасибо, Друг! Иногда таки удача мне улыбается!


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~ Iryna